
Micronutrients consist of a fine blend of mineral elements comprising Zinc (Zn), Copper (Cu), Manganese (Mn), Iron (Fe), Boron (B), and Molybdenum (Mo). Mineral elements nurture horticultural crops and also crops of cereals, pulses, oilseeds, spices, and plantations. In spite of the low demand, critical plant functions are hindered if micronutrients are unavailable, which results in plant deformations, lower yield, and diminished growth. Micronutrients are crucial for plant growth and play an important role in balancing crop nutrition.

Micronutrient deficiency can be encountered by visual symptoms on crops and by testing soil and plant tissues. For understanding these visual symptoms, it is necessary to know the role each micronutrient plays in plant growth and development.

The Role Of Micronutrients In A Plant As Below:

  • Zinc is crucial for plant hormone balance and auxin activity and it is vital for growth, the division of cells, and the production of husks of grains.
  • Iron assists in biological processes and cell growth in plants. Iron is a component of enzymes, essential for chlorophyll synthesis, and photosynthesis.
  • Boron enhances flowering blooms and develops a uniform ripening process and it is essential in sugar transport, Cell division, and amino acid production.
  • Manganese performs an important role in photosynthesis, and chloroplast production, is a cofactor in many plant reactions, and activates enzymes.
  • Copper stimulates enzymes required for photosynthesis.
  • Molybdenum is crucial for the growth of leaves and the prevention of diseases in plants and it is involved in nitrogen metabolism, essential in nitrogen fixation by legumes.

Micronutrient Deficiency Symptoms:

Except for Molybdenum, Other micronutrients are considered weakly mobile or immobile in plants. This means that deficiency symptoms appear severely on the newest plant tissues, whereas for the Molybdenum deficiency symptoms appear first on the oldest plant tissues.

  • Zinc deficiency results in stunted growth lessened internode length, and young leaves being smaller than normal.
  • Iron deficiency leads to chlorosis or yellowing between the veins of new leaves.
  • Boron deficiency results in light general chlorosis, death of growing points, and deformed leaves with areas of discoloration.
  • Manganese (Mn) deficiency causes chlorotic mosaic patterns on leaves.
  • Copper deficiency results in light overall chlorosis, leaf tips die back and tips are twisted, and loss of turgor in young leaves.
  • Molybdenum deficiency is similar to that of ordinary nitrogen deficiency – general chlorosis (yellowing) of young plants, and chlorosis of oldest leaves.

Aries Provide Micronutrients In the Form Of EDTA Chelates And Amino Acid Chelates.

Chelation is a type of bonding of ions and molecules to metal ions. Chelates are complex compounds consisting of a central metal atom attached to a large molecule, called a ligand in a cyclic or ring structure.

EDTA is also known as Ethylene Diamine Tetra-Acetic Acid. It is a chelating agent, which means that its molecular structure allows it to bind to heavy metals. Ligands are organic compounds like Ethylene Diamine Tetra-Acetic Acid (EDTA) that produce steady chelates with micronutrients. It keeps these metal ions in a soluble form supplying nutritional benefits to the plants.

Amino Acid Chelates are natural bio-organic chelating agents. A bio-organic chelating agent functions as a very powerful delivery system for nutrients; Aries Pro-range contains amino acids derived from soya proteins, fortified with nitrogen.

Micronutrients are utilized for Soil application, foliar spray, and fertigation.

Explore Our Products

Best Zinc Gold 36%

Zinc Sulphate Monohydrate 36%

Best Zinc 21%

Zinc Sulphate Heptahydrate 21%

Best Chelated

Chelated Zinc 10%


Solubor Boron 20%

Hit Boric

Boric Acid (Boron 17%)


Gibralic Acid

Best Vita

4 Chlorophenoxyacetic Acid


Magnesium Sulphate


Alpha- Napthelic Acetic Acid 4.5% SL

Best Humic Booster

Humic Acid 72%

Symble 25SC

Paclobutrazole 25% SC

Best Grow

Napthelic Acetic Acid

Alawal Gypsum

Agricultural Gypsum

Power Booster

Sea Weed Extract

Best Agro Solution is a registered private ownership organization under the registrar of Dhaka North City corporation of the people's Republic of Bangladesh. The company was established in January 2014 to meet farmers' demand and development the food security of the country.

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  • 48, Kazi Nazrul Islam Avenue, Dhaka - 1215
  • (+880) 1717 577 779
  • bestagrosolution@gmail.com

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